Always striving for continuous refinement, Comandante developed our Long Grind Dial for the Comandante X25 grinder, which now comes with one fitted as standard.
The longer shape is more accessible in the X25’s narrower body, making grind adjustment even easier.
Comandante found it an important advantage for grinding and brewing in harsher outdoor conditions, such as our winter hikes, when cold or gloved fingers are sluggish
or fatigued.
The Long Grind Dial must be used in combination with the ‘standard’ axle. It allows an adjustment of the Target Particle Size* of approximately 30μm per click.
It is therefore compatible with all Comandante grinder models, and comes with the X25 grinder as standard.
* Target Particle Size refers to the mode value of a log-normal particle size distribution curve.
• 24.3 x 24.3 x 13.4 mm
• Weight: 4.2 g